The 33rd JASID Annual Conference

Presentation information


Round Table "How to Establish an Ethical Agri-Food System: From a perspective of Agro-ecology"

Sat. Dec 3, 2022 12:50 PM - 2:50 PM 1F (Room 1, 3F Daigaku-kaikan)

12:50 PM - 2:50 PM

[21F02-02-01] How to Establish an Ethical Agri-Food System: From a perspective of Agroecology

Face to face presentation

*Koichi IKEGAMI1, Rie Makita2, Hiroyuki Hiroyuki3, Yoshiaki Nishikawa4, Yusuke Sakata5, Tamahi Kato6, Yasuhiko SEO7 (1. Independent, 2. Gakushuin University, 3. University of Tokyo, 4. Ryukoku University, 5. Kindai University, 6. Kyoto University, 7. Chiba University)

Keywords:Ethical Agri-Food System, Agroecology, Farmer's Initiative, organic agriculture, Consumer's Awareness

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