The 33rd JASID Annual Conference

Presentation information


Round Table (On-line Presentation): Resilience of Food and SDGs: The Fourth Roundtable of Resilience of Development and SDGs Research Group

Sun. Dec 4, 2022 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM 1093 (1093, 9F Liberty Tower)

9:30 AM - 11:30 AM

[3109301-01-01] Resilience of Food and SDGs: The Fourth Roundtable of Resilience of Development and SDGs Research Group

On-line presentation

*Yuichi SEKIYA1, Masato Noda2, Toru Nakanishi1, Yoshiaki Nishikawa3, Yukari Ando4, Ryoichi Kikuchi5 (1. University of Tokyo, 2. Ibaraki University, 3. Ryukoku University, 4. Osaka University, 5. Waho Yakuzen Institute)

Keywords:Zero Hunger, resilience, organic farming, sustainability, Food Loss

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