.*Keita Masui1 (1.Otemon Gakuin University)
Session information
Poster Presentation
Poster Presentation (On-site) » Social / Culture
[03-2b]Social / Culture 13
Fri. Sep 9, 2022 12:30 PM - 2:30 PM Poster Venue (百周年記念館1Fアリーナ)
[2PM-002-PC] The implicit association between food “healthiness” and “tastiness” in French and Japanese students
The relationship between these two dimensions and declared eating behavior
.*Sachiko Yamanaka1, Hirotsune Sato3, Yuji Wada1, Stephanie CHAMBARON2, Sophie NICKLAUS2 (1.College of Gastronomy Management Ritsumeikan University , 2.Institut national de recherche pour l'agriculture, l'alimentation et l'envirnment: INRAe, 3.Shinshu University Faculty of Arts)
.*Mayu Takahashi1, Tatsuya Kameda1 (1.The University of Tokyo)
[2PM-004-PC] Self-Evaluations and Others' Impressions of the "Fujoshi” (Rotten Girl) Personality
Comparison Between Chinese and Japanese University Students
.*Ming Yuan1, Ayano FUKUICHI1,2, Genji SUGAMURA3 (1.Graduate school of Psychology,Kansai University, 2.Research Fellow of JSPS (DC1), 3.Kansai University)
[2PM-005-PC] Does the association between community activities and ikigai differ depending on the type of cognitive strategy?
Findings from a web-based survey of adults and interviews with elderly residents
.*Ai Fukuzawa1, Ikuko Sugawara2 (1.University of Tokyo, 2.Bunri University of Hospitality)
.*Hideya Kitamura1, Hazuki Miyoshi1 (1.Toyo University)
.*Yoshimasa Majima1 (1.Hokusei Gakuen University)