Short Lectures
Short Lecture (On-demand Streaming)
講演者(Speaker):Mizuki Tsutsumi2, .司会者(Chair):Hiroyuki Shimizu1 (1.Kobe Gakuin University, 2.Cognitive Mechanisms Laboratories, Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute International )
[L-002] Improving self-control by training
Studies focused on the execution functions
講演者(Speaker):Gaku Kutsuzawa1, .司会者(Chair):Yuka Ozaki2 (1.National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, 2.Toyo University)
[L-003] Psychological mechanism in learning from accident cases
How do young workers learn from indirect experiences of failure?
.講演者(Speaker):Naoko Hasegawa1, 司会者(Chair):Hiroyuki Yamaguchi2 (1.Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, 2.Kyushu University)
講演者(Speaker):Kentaro Shirotsuki1, .司会者(Chair):Shota Noda1 (1.Faculty of Human Sciences, Musashino University)
[L-005] The other individuals who took one' s perspective are good person
Psychological study on the effects of being claimed to have took ones' perspective by other individuals on ones' interpersonal cognition.
講演者(Speaker):Yudai Suzuki1, .司会者(Chair):Shinji Sakamoto1 (1.Nihon University)
.講演者(Speaker):Ryunosuke Oka1 (1.Mitsubishi Electric Corporation)
講演者(Speaker):Ayumi Umeda3,2, .司会者(Chair):Tomu OHTSUKI1 (1.Faculty of Human Sciences, Waseda University, 2.Research Center of Human Sciences, Waseda University, 3.Tohoku University)
講演者(Speaker):Yuki Tanaka2, .司会者(Chair):Hironori Shimada1 (1.Waseda University, 2.Wayo Women's University)
講演者(Speaker):Takahiro Kubo1, .司会者(Chair):Yoko Sawamiya1 (1.University of Tsukuba)
講演者(Speaker):Masumi+ Takeuchi1,2, .司会者(Chair):Keiko Katagiri1 (1.Graduate School of Human Development and Environment, Kobe University, 2.Japan Society for the Promotion of Science)