The 86th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association

Presentation information

Invited Symposium

On-demand Streaming » Invited Symposium

Invited Symposium 1 (On-demand Streaming)

[IS-013] Introducing Psychology Education in High School "Ethics”

A dialogue between psychology and philosophy

.企画(Representative Organizer):JPA Education and Research Committee1, 企画代表者(Organizer):Takashi Kusumi2, 企画者(Organizer):Kaori Karasawa3, 話題提供者(Speaker):Takashi Kusumi2, Kaori Karasawa3, Kiyotaka Naoe4, Tetsuya Kono5, 指定討論者(Discussant):Michiaki Wada6, 司会者(Chair):Shinichi Ichikawa3 (1.The Japanese Psychological Association, 2.Kyoto University, 3.The University of Tokyo, 4.Tohoku University, 5.Rikkyo University, 6.Tokyo Metropolitan College of Industrial Technology)

【一般公開】【一部字幕あり】【9月8日(木)16:00-18:00 第4会場 (3号館4F3405)にてオンデマンド放映予定】

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