The 86th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association

Presentation information

Regular Symposium

On-demand Streaming » Public Symposium

Regular Symposium 1 (On-demand Streaming)

[SS-013] Psychological Approaches Toward an Understanding of Consciousness

- Early Career Researcher Perspective on Consciousness Research -

.企画代表者(Representative Organizer):Yusuke Moriguchi1, 企画者(Organizer):Ryoichi Watanabe1,2, 話題提供者(Speaker):Ryoichi Watanabe1,2, Kawashima Yota3,4, Tomoya Nakamura5, Yukihiro Morimoto7, Ken Ishihara8, 指定討論者(Discussant):Naotsugu Tsuchiya3,4,6, 司会者(Chair):Yusuke Moriguchi1 (1.Graduate School of Letters, Kyoto University, 2.JSPS, 3.ScSchool of Psychological Science, Monash University, 4. Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute International, 5.Department of Psychology, The University of Tokyo, 6.Center for Information and Neural Networks (CiNet), 7.Graduate School of Humanities and Sustainable System Sciences, Osaka Prefecture University, 8.Transdisciplinary Life Science CourseDivision of Life Science, Graduate School of Life Science, Hokkaido University)

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