

General Session » [GS] J-4 Knowledge utilization and sharing

General Session

[1K2-J-4] Knowledge utilization and sharing 1

Tue. Jun 4, 2019 1:20 PM - 3:00 PM Room K (201A Medium meeting room)

Chair:Naoki Fukuda Reviewer:Jun Sugiura

2:20 PM - 2:40 PM

○Takahiro Kawamura1,2, Shusaku Egami2, Koutarou Tamura3,4, Yasunori Hokazono4, Takanori Ugai5, Yusuke Koyanagi5, Fumihito Nishino5, Seiji Okajima5, Katsuhiko Murakami5, Kunihiko Takamatsu6, Aoi Sugiura7, Shun Shiramatsu8, Xiangyu Zhang8, Kouji Kozaki9 (1. Japan Science and Technology Agency, 2. University of Electro-Communications, 3. NRI digital, Ltd., 4. Nomura Research Institute, Ltd., 5. Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd., 6. Kobe Tokiwa University, 7. Kobe City Nishi-Kobe Medical Center, 8. Nagoya Institute of Technology, 9. Osaka University)

General Session

[1K3-J-4] Knowledge utilization and sharing 2

Tue. Jun 4, 2019 3:20 PM - 5:00 PM Room K (201A Medium meeting room)

Chair:Takahiro Kawamura Reviewer:Koji Kozaki



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