Cost and Payment
1. Presentation Fee
6,000 yen per application
- The first author must be a member of JSSD.
- Tax is inclusive.
- The first author is limited to one oral and one poster presentation per author.
- If you are not a member of the society, please send your application for membership to the JSSD office by the end of April.
2. Participation Fee
JSSD Member:7,000 yen
Non-JSSD-Member:8,000 yen
JSSD Student Member:4,000 yen
Student Non-Member:4,500 yen
- The registration fee will be charged in addition to the presentation fee.
- All are tax inclusive.
- If you pay the registration fee before the day of the meeting by online payment, you will receive a 1,000 yen discount.
- If you are not a member of the society, please send an application for membership to the JSSD office by the end of April.
3. Scoial Gathering Party@24th June (Optional)
General:6,000 Yen
Student:3,000 Yen
4. Excursion@23th June (Optional)
General:6,000 Yen
Student:3,000 Yen
Payment Methods
There are three payment methods: credit card payment, bank transfer, and payment on the event day.
[Caution 1]
The 1,000 yen discount and QR code check-in are not applicable for payment on the event day.
[Caution 2]
Bank transfers are only valid for domestic remittances.
Please go through the procedure from the Submission and Registration site.