挨拶(シンポジウム趣旨説明等):成田 年(星薬大/国立がん研セ) (1:15 PM - 1:20 PM)
Session information
[S15] Latest strategies for cancer management based on cancer immunology and cancer genomic medicine
Fri. Mar 29, 2024 1:15 PM - 3:15 PM [Room 313] Conference Center 313+314 (3F)
Organizer: Minoru Narita (Pharm., Hoshi Univ.), Yasuo Takeda (Jpn. Soc. Hosp. Pharm.)
Therapeutic options for cancer become constricted as the cancer stage progresses. First-line anticancer regimens have recently diversified the available options for cancer therapeutics owing to the increased number of molecular target anticancer drugs, as well as the clinical application of immunotherapy using immune checkpoint inhibitors. In addition, the standardization of tailor-made medicine using genome information is advancing to further improve the selection and effectiveness of diversified anticancer drugs. Furthermore, the epigenome will become an important consideration in cancer genomic research and drug development in the future. Further developments in cancer immunology and genomics are essential for improving the quality of life of cancer patients and increasing the effectiveness of therapy based on an understanding of cancer pathophysiology. This symposium will feature leading experts in the fields of cancer immunology and genomic medicine to discuss the latest strategies in cancer therapy.
1:20 PM - 1:47 PM
○Shohei Koyama1,2 (1. Natl. Cancer Ctr., 2. Grad. Sch. Med., Osaka Univ.)
1:47 PM - 2:14 PM
○Kazunori Aoki1, Hideaki Mizuno2 (1. Natl. Cancer Ctr. Res. Inst., 2. Chugai Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.)
2:14 PM - 2:41 PM
○Takashi Kohno1 (1. C-CAT, Natl. Cancer Ctr.)
2:41 PM - 3:08 PM
○Hideyuki Takeshima1, Takahiro Ebata1, Naoko Hattori1, Toshikazu Ushijima1 (1. Inst. for Adv. Life Sci., Hoshi Univ.)
まとめ:武田 泰生(日本病院薬剤師会/鹿児島大病院薬) (3:08 PM - 3:15 PM)