Manabu Tejima1, Tomoko Hashimoto1, Mana Nakagawa1, Tomoyuki Hoshina1, Osamu Ohno1, Kotaro Takasaki2, Shintaro Taniguchi2, Kanako Nakamura2, Ayano Goto2, Chiaki Yonebara2, Fan-Yan Wei3, Kazuhito Tomizawa4, ○Kenji Matsuno5
(1. Sch. Adv. Engin., Kogakuin Univ., 2. Fac. Pharm. Sci., Teikyo Heisei Univ., 3. Grad. Sch. Life Sci., Tohoku Univ., 4. Fac. Life Sci., Kumamoto Univ., 5. Fac. Pharmacy, Yasuda Women's Univ.)
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