

Oral Presentations

3) Surfactant, Detergent, and Interface Science » Oral Presentations


2022年8月31日(水) 09:30 〜 09:55 Live Stream (Room3)

・The video presentations (12-minute each) are available for watching and can be discussed in chat at any time during the meeting.
・The live discussion with Zoom for each lecture (2-minute short talk and 3-minute discussion) will be held on Aug.31 (JST).

09:40 〜 09:45

[OP33] Study on the Adsorption of Organic-Inorganic Complexes Containing Fluoride for High Fluoride Retention on Tooth Surfaces

*Ryota Hashimoto1、Masakazu Ono1、Astunori Morigaki1、Yasushi Kakizawa1 (1.Lion Corpration)

キーワード:fluoride, organic-inorganic complex, adsorption

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