The Molecular Biology Society of Japan

[2P-0260] Identification of proteins localized at ER-lysosome contact sites

Kenji Takahashi1, shinya Tashiro2, Masaya Ono3, Tetsuro Yoshimaru4, Toyomasa Katagiri4, Yasushi Tamura2 (1.Dept. of Sci., Grad. Sch. of Sci. and Engr., Univ. of Yamagata, 2.Dept. of Sci., Univ. of Yamagata, 3.Dept. of Proteomics., NCCRI., 4.Div. of Genome Med., Inst. of Adv. Med. Sci., Univ. of Tokushima)

The 44th Annual Meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan

[2P-0263] Analysis of Bif1 in alternative autophagy

Chinami Ogawa, Hirohumi Yamaguchi, Satoko Arakawa, Shigeomi Shimizu (Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Pathological Cell Biology)

The 44th Annual Meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan

[2P-0265] Regulation of vacuolar amino acid transporter Avt4 in budding yeast

Yusuke Yamamoto1, Yumika Sato1, Masaya Ishimoto1, Akira Nozawa2, Hidetaka Kosako3, Tatsuya Sawasaki2, Takayuki Sekito1, 2, Miyuki KawanoKawada1, 2, 4 (1.Grad. Sch. of Agr., Ehime Univ., 2.PROS, Ehime Univ., 3.Div of Cell Signaling, Fujii Memorial Inst. of Med. Sci., Tokushima Univ., 4.ADRES, Ehime Univ.)

The 44th Annual Meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan

[2P-0266] Identification of a novel ommochrome related gene responsible for maternal brown of Tsujita (b-t) mutation in the silkworm, Bombyx mori

Hirosumi Uchiyama1, Yasuhito Yagihashi1, Ryunosuke Chiba2, Kazutoshi Yoshitake3, Yutaka Banno4, Kimiko Yamamoto5, Yoko Takasu5, Tetsuya Iizuka5, Keiro Uchino5, Hideki Sezutsu5, Hironobu Uchiyama6, Shunsuke Yajima6, Ryo Futahashi7, MIzuko OsanaiFutahashi1 (1.Dept. of Biol., Grad. Sch. of Sci. and Eng., Univ. of Ibaraki, 2.Dept. of Biol., College of sci., Univ. of Ibaraki, 3.Grad. of Agric., Univ. of Tokyo, 4.Grad. of Agric., Univ. of Kyushu, 5.Natl. Agric. and Food Res. Org., 6.NODAI Genome Res. Center, Univ. of Tokyo Agric., 7.Inst. Adv. Ind. Sci. and Technol.)

The 44th Annual Meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan