The Molecular Biology Society of Japan

[3P-0441] Roles of Cdc7 kinase complex in brain development

Karin Hori1, 2, Tomohiro Iguchi1, Satoshi Yamazaki1, Tomio Ono3, Chiaki Maruyama4, Hisao Masai1, 2 (1.Genome Dynamics, Dept. of Basic Med. Sci., Tokyo Metro. Inst. Med. Sci., 2.Dept. of Comp Biol and Med. Sci., Univ. of Tokyo, 3.Transgenic Technology, Cent. for Basic Tech Res., Tokyo Metro. Inst. Med. Sci., 4.Developmental Neuroscience, Dept. of Brain and Neurosci., Tokyo Metro. Inst. Med. Sci.)

The 44th Annual Meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan

[3P-0444] Involvement of transcriptional repressor Trim28 in the neurogenic to gliogenic property switch of neural stem cells through alteration of epigenetic modifications during brain development.

Takumi Nakagawa1, Takuya Imamura2, Sayako Katada1, Kinichi Nakashima1 (1.Dept. of Stem Cell Biology and Medicine., Grad. Sch. of Med. Sci., Univ. of Kyushu, 2.Laboratory of Molecular and Cellular Physiology., Grad. Sch. of Integrated Sciences for Life., Univ. of Hiroshima)

The 44th Annual Meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan

[3P-0445] Functional analysis of eutherian-specific retrotransposon-derived genes Sirh4, 5, 6

Yoshifumi Fujioka1, Ishii Msayuki2, Hirosuke Shiura3, Ryuichi Ono4, Hikaru Ito5, Yoshikazu Hirate1, Tutomu Endo1, Masami Kanai1, Tomoko KanekoIshino6, Fumitoshi Ishino1 (1.Dept Exp Animal, Inst of Res Tokyo Med Dent Univ (TMDU), 2.Dept Epigene, Res Inst Tokyo Med Dent Univ (TMDU), 3.Fac Life Envioron Sci, Univ Yamanashi, 4.Cent Biol safety Res, Nat Inst Health, 5.Life Sci Res Cent, Univ Kagawa, 6.Fac Nursing, Sch Med, Tokai Univ)

The 44th Annual Meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan