The Japan Society of Applied Physics

591件中(411 - 420)

[P-1-25L] Oxygen-Vacancy-Induced Vt shift in La-containing Devices

B.J. O’Sullivan、R. Mitsuhashi、G. Pourtois、V.S. Chang、C. Adelmann、T. Schram、L.-A. Ragnarsson、N. Van der Heyden、H.-J. Cho、Y. Harada、A. Veloso、R. O’Connor、L. Pantisano、H.Y. Yu、G. Groeseneken、P. Absil、S. Biesemans、A. Ikeda、M. Niwa (1.IMEC、2.Matsushita Ltd、3.TSMC、4.Samsung、5.Matsushita Electric Industrial Co. Ltd.、6.IMEC)

2007 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials |PDF ダウンロード

591件中(411 - 420)