The Japan Society of Applied Physics

415件中(371 - 380)

[K-5-05 (Late News)] AlGaAs/GaAs superlattice grown by molecular beam epitaxy for its application to semiconductor photocathode

〇Iori Morita1, Fumitaro Ishikawa1, Anna Honda2, Daiki Sato2, Atsushi Koizumi2, Tomohiro Nishitani2,3, Masao Tabuchi4 (1. Univ. of Ehime.(Japan), 2. Photo electron Soul Inc.(Japan), 3. IMaSS of Nagoya Univ.(Japan), 4. SRC of Nagoya Univ.(Japan))

2020 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials |2020年9月29日(火) 15:00 〜 15:15 |PDF ダウンロード

415件中(371 - 380)