The 101st CSJ Annual Meeting

Session information

Academic Program [Oral B]

16. Natural Products Chemistry, Chemical Biology » Oral B

[A22-3am] 16. Natural Products Chemistry, Chemical Biology

Sun. Mar 21, 2021 9:00 AM - 11:40 AM Room 22 (Online Meeting)

Chair:Gosuke Hayashi, Kiichiro Totani

11:00 AM - 11:20 AM

Kengo Hayashi1, Nobuki Kato1, Haruna Nomoto1, Misuzu Nakayama1, Takuya Kaji1, Raku Watanabe2, Rina Saito2, Yousuke Takaoka1, Koji Miyamoto3, Hideo Inagaki3, Kazunori Okada4, Minoru Ueda1,2 (1. Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University, 2. Graduate School of Life Science, Tohoku University, 3. Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Teikyo University, 4. Biotechnology Research Center, The University of Tokyo)

[Lang.] English


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