Eleventh International Conference of Inertial Fusion Sciences and Applications (IFSA2019)

Presentation information


Condensed matter physics & planetology

[5P55-71] Poster Session [Condensed matter physics & planetology]

Thu. Sep 26, 2019 3:00 PM - 4:40 PM Room D [Middle Assembly Room] (Osaka City Central Public Hall)

3:00 PM - 4:40 PM

[5P70] Shock Compression of Diamond Targets up to 4 Mbar

*Donaldi Mancelli1,2, Dimitri Batani1, Ion Errea2, Jocelain Trela 1, Philippe Nicolaï1, Katarzyna Jakubowska3, Artem Martynenko4, Paul Neumayer5, Olga Rosmej5, Roberto Benocci6, Claudio Verona7 (1. Universitè de Bordeaux, CNRS, CEA, CELIA, Talence, France(France), 2. Donostia International Physics Center (DIPC), Donostia, Basque Country, Spain(Spain), 3. IPPLM Warsaw, Poland(Poland), 4. Joint Institute for High Temperature RAS, 125412 Moscow, Russia(Russia), 5. GSI Helmholtzzentrum fur Schwerionenforschung - Darmstadt, Germany(Germany), 6. University of Milano-Bicocca - Piazza della Scienza 1, 20126 Milano, Italy(Italy), 7. University of Roma-Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy(Italy))

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