

[SL-001] 心理学と哲学のあいだ~人文学の再生を求めて~
講演者:野家 啓一(東北大学名誉教授・立命館大学客員教授)
司会者:坂上 貴之(慶應義塾大学名誉教授)
日時:2022年9月10日(土) 13:00―15:00
会場:第1会場 (本館B1Fセンターホール)/ライブ配信
心理学 (psychology) の語源がギリシア語の「魂 (psyche)」と「学問 (logos)」に由来することはよく知られている。同様にソクラテスは哲学の営みを「魂の世話」と呼んだ。このように心理学と哲学とは「魂」の概念を蝶番にして隣同士の学問であり,同じ人文学のよしみで近所づきあいも盛んに行われていた(実際,私が東北大学に赴任した1980年前後は,心理学はまだ哲学科に属しており,研究室も同じフロアにあった)。
ところが19世紀後半になると,心理学は自然科学に近接した実験的方法論を洗練させることによって,哲学に三下半を突きつけて分離独立する。いわゆる実験心理学ないしは科学的心理学の成立である。その頃にエビングハウスが語ったと伝えられる「心理学は長い過去をもっているが,短い歴史しかもっていない」という言葉はその間の事情を物語っている。つまり,広義の心理学はアリストテレスの『魂について (peri Psyches)』以来の長い過去をもっているが,狭義の心理学(科学的心理学)の歴史は始まったばかりだ,というわけである。その後の心理学の歩みは一瀉千里,学問スタイルも人文学から離れて自然科学に接近し,脳科学や認知科学と二人三脚のタッグを組んで現在にいたっている。
他方の哲学の分野では,旧来の文献学的手法が根強く残存しながらも,ほぼ一世紀遅れて「自然主義(自然科学主義)」が台頭し始める。クワインによれば,哲学は科学的知見を用いることに躊躇すべきではなく,「認識論は経験心理学に同化される」のである。前門の虎(科学的心理学)と後門の狼(哲学的自然主義)に挟撃されて,人文学 (humanities) は今や風前の灯と言ってよい。このような窮境にあって人文学に未来はあるのか,人文学はそのアイデンティティをどこに求めるべきか,人文学の生き延びる道を考えてみたい。
主要著作には『科学の解釈学』(講談社学術文庫(改訂), 2013年)『物語の哲学』(岩波現代文庫,2005年)『パラダイムとは何か――クーンの科学史革命』(講談社学術文庫, 2008年)『科学哲学への招待』(ちくま学芸文庫, 2015年)『歴史を哲学する』(岩波現代文庫, 2016年)『はざまの哲学』(青土社, 2018年)などがある。
[SL-002] 心理学者は唇顎口蓋裂治療にいかなる違いを生み出せるのか

講演者:Kate le Marechal(セント・トーマス病院エベリナロンドンクレフトサービス)
司会者:松本 学(共愛学園前橋国際大学・東北大学病院)
Dr Kate le Maréchal is a Consultant Clinical Psychologist and the Head of the Evelina London Cleft Service – one of the nine regional cleft teams that provide comprehensive care for individuals born with clefts in the UK. Kate will describe the history and set-up of Cleft Services in the UK and the comprehensive care that is provided by the multidisciplinary team (MDT). She will talk about the role of the Clinical Psychologist within the cleft team and, using case examples, Kate will talk about the range of clinical work that psychologists engage in across the lifespan including running online groups, providing individual and family therapy, offering support around treatment decision-making and helping with key life transitions such as the move to secondary school. Kate’s appointment as Head of Service marks the first time that a psychologist has led a surgical service of this type and Kate will share her reflections on what makes psychologists so well-suited to this type of role.

Dr Kate le Maréchal is a Consultant Clinical Psychologist who has worked as the Clinical Psychology Lead within the Evelina London Cleft Service since 2009.  She is now the Head of Service for the team.

Kate graduated from the University of Nottingham in 1996 with a first degree in Psychology (BA Hons) and obtained her Doctorate in Clinical Psychology (DClinPsy) in 2001 at University College London. On completing her clinical training, Kate began her Clinical Psychology career in Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) before moving to National and Specialist CAMHS (Autism and Related Disorders). She also worked within an Adolescent Forensic Mental Health team at the Maudsley Hospital and was the Lead Clinical Psychologist for the Tuberous Sclerosis 2000 research study.  Within the Evelina London Cleft Service, Kate is responsible for overseeing the psychological input for patients and families who require support across the lifespan. This includes providing interventions to help individuals cope with issues around identity and difference, self-confidence and self-esteem and dealing with bullying and teasing. Kate has always had a wider role within UK cleft care and has been the Clinical Psychology representative on the Cleft Development Group (CDG), the Cleft Clinical Reference Group (CRG) and within the UK Clinical Psychology Clinical Excellence Network (CEN).

Kate was President of the Craniofacial Society of Great Britain and Ireland for 2014/2015 and hosted the UK National Conference in London in April 2015.  She was a member of the Local Organising Committee for the International Cleft Congress in July 2022 in Edinburgh, UK.  She contributes to national research projects and has presented at a range of national and international conferences. Kate enjoys providing
teaching and training to a range of audiences including medical and dental registrars and other health professionals as well as with Clinical Psychologists both pre and post qualification.
[SL-003] The role of psychology in understanding and responding to climate change

講演者:Susan Clayton (The College of Wooster)

Climate change is a pressing societal problem that is already affecting many people and that is projected to affect many more. There is increasing recognition that psychology plays an important role in understanding the ways in which people respond to climate change, as well as in promoting positive behavioral changes and psychological wellbeing. This presentation will review some of the ways in which psychology can help address climate change: understanding factors that encourage or discourage accurate risk perceptions; describing current and potential impacts of climate change on mental health and psychological wellbeing; and exploring ways to encourage positive responses that promote individual as well as community resilience. Throughout, I will highlight the importance of attending to identity, both personal and social. I will close by suggesting ways in which the field of psychology can adapt to better address the societal needs created by climate change.

[SL-004] パントマイムから見た心と行動

日時:2022年9月10日(土) 17:00―18:00
会場:第1会場 (本館B1Fセンターホール)/ライブ配信