The Molecular Biology Society of Japan

4500 results (3921 - 3930)

[1P-477] The cargo receptor SFT-4/Surf4 regulates the ER export of proinsulin in pancreatic β cells.

Keiko Saegusa1,2, Kohichi Matsunaga3, Miharu Maeda4, Kota Saito4, Tetsuro Izumi3, Ken Sato1 (1.Lab. of Mol. Traffic, IMCR, Univ. of Gunma, 2.Facul. of Med. Technol. and Clin. Eng., Gunma Univ. of Health and Welfare, 3.Lab. of Mol. Endocrinol. and Metab., Dept. of Mol. Med., IMCR, Univ. of Gunma, 4.Dept. of Biol. Info. and Exp. Ther., Grad. Sch. of Medi., Univ. of Akita)

The 45th Annual Meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan

[2P-299] Bidirectional Gene Promoters

Fumiaki Uchiumi (Dept. Gene Regulation, Faculty of Pharmac. Sci., Tokyo Univ. of Sci.)

The 45th Annual Meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan

[3P-271] Cryo-EM structure of an LH1–RC Photocomplex from an Extremophilic Phototroph

kazutoshi tani1, Ryo Kanno2, Keigo Kurosawa3, Shinichi Takaichi4, Kenji V. P. Nagashima5, Malgorzata Hall2, LongJiang Yu6, Yukihiro Kimura7, Michael T. Madigan8, Akira Mizoguchi1, Bruno M. Humbel2, ZhengYu WangOtomo3 (1.Grad. Sch. of Med., Mie. Univ., 2.Imaging sect., RSD, OIST, 3.Fac. of Sci., Ibaraki Univ., 4.Dept. Mol. Microbiol., Fac. Life Sci., Tokyo Univ. Agri., 5.Res. Inst. for Integ. Sci., Kanagawa Univ., 6.Photosyn. Res. Cen., Key Lab. of Photobiol., Inst. of Botany, Chinese Acad. of Sci., 7.Dept. of Agrobiosci., Grad. Sch. of Agri., Kobe Univ., 8.Sch. of Biol. Sci., Dept. of Microbiol., South. Illinois Univ.)

The 45th Annual Meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan

4500 results (3921 - 3930)