The Molecular Biology Society of Japan

4500 results (1581 - 1590)

[3SP-27-16] NRF3 Promotes Tumor Growth through mTORC1 Activation in Response to Arginine Levels

Shuhei Hirose1, Tsuyoshi Waku2, Haruka Masuda1, Iori Aketa1, Atsushi Hatanaka1, Tsuyoshi Osawa3, Tomoyoshi Soga4, Akira Kobayashi1,2 (1.Lab. for Gen. Code, Grad. Sch. of Life and Med. Sci., Doshisha Univ., 2.Lab. for Gen. Code, Dept. of Med. Life Sys., Fac. of Life and Med. Sci., Doshisha Univ., 3.Div. of Integ. Nutrio. and Oncol., RCAST, The Univ. of Tokyo, 4.Inst. for Adv. Biosci., Keio Univ.)

The 45th Annual Meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan

[3SP-28-04] The IER5-HSF1 pathway promotes ovarian cancer cell proliferation and peritoneal dissemination

Moe Nakamura1,2, Sayaka Ueno3, Tastuki Yamamoto1,4, Yoshinori Asano1, Yuko Tabata1, Tomoaki Tanaka4, Tomohisa Kuzuyama2, Hideyuki Saya5, Rieko Ohki1 (1.Lab. of Fundamental Oncology, Natl Cancer Ctr. Res. Inst., 2.Dept. of Biotechnology, Grad. Sch. of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo, 3.Dept. Translational Res., HCC, 4.Dept. Mol. Diag. Chiba Univ. Sch. Med., 5.Fujita Cancer Center, Fujita Health Univ.)

The 45th Annual Meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan

[3SP-28-05] Branched-chain amino acid metabolism regulates triple negative breast cancer growth by BCAT1 upregulation

Kenkyo Matsuura1, Takato Nakano1,2, Itsuki Kuroda1,2, Mizuki Yamamoto3, Junichiro Inoue3, John Glushka4, Arthur S. Edison4, Hiromi Imamura5, Ayuna Hattori1, Takahiro Ito1 (1.LiMe, Kyoto Univ., 2.Grad. Sch. of Pharm. Sci., Kyoto Univ, 3.Inst. of Med. Sci., Univ. of Tokyo, 4.CCRC, Univ. of Georgia, 5.Grad. Sch. of Biostudies, Kyoto Univ.)

The 45th Annual Meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan

4500 results (1581 - 1590)