The Japan Society of Applied Physics

587件中(141 - 150)

[E-1-1] Development of Self-assembled Quantum Dot Lasers for Telecommunications Applications (Invited)

D. J. Mowbray1、T. J. Badcock2、Y. D. Jang1,3、H. Y. Liu1,4、R. J. Royce1、E. Nabavi1、R. A. Hogg4、M. S. Skolnick1、M. Hopkinson4、J. Park3、D. Lee3、A. D. Andreev5 (1.Univ. of Sheffield、2.Univ. of Manchester, UK、3.Chungnam National Univ., Korea、4.Univ. College London、5.Univ. of Surrey, UK)

2008 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials |PDF ダウンロード

587件中(141 - 150)