


Well-being, Economics Policy Making and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) (English)

Interlinkage of Subjective and Objective Indicators in Focus

2023年11月12日(日) 09:30 〜 11:30 紀-B112 (紀尾井坂ビルB112)

09:30 〜 11:30

[2E01] ウェルビーイング、経済政策立案、持続可能な開発目標(SDGs):主観的指標と客観的指標の相互関係に関する海外有識者との討論

*石戸 光1、*Grimes Arthur (1. 千葉大学)


While inviting a world-class economics scholar in the field of well-being and economic policy formulation (Dr.Arthur Grimes,Senior Fellow at Motu Economic and Public Policy Research Trust, Adjunct Professor of Economics at Victoria University of Wellington and Honorary Professor of Economics at University of Waikato , New Zealand; a relevant website is: https://www.wgtn.ac.nz/sog/about/emeritus-and-adjunct-professors/arthur-grimes), the proposed round table will discuss the interlinkage among subjective well-being, objective economic policies (with financial values allocated as national budgets) and sustainable development goals (SDGs).

Dr.Arthur Grimes is a renowned economist, with strong links to public policy. He served as Reserve Bank of New Zealand Chairman from 2003-2013, where he was previously Chief Economist and a principal architect of now famous "inflation targeting." With his current research interests focusing on the economics of wellbeing coupled with economic policymaking which entails detailed national budget issues, the roundtable will discuss the interlinkage between subjective and objective indicators, both of which are high on SDGs' agenda.

In the roundtable, a keynote presentation will be made by Dr.Arthur Grimes (for about 45 minutes); then the organizer (Hikari Ishido) as well as online-discussants (non-members of JASID, yet possessing expertise on the subject matters) will make comments on the issues presented. Following these, the floor-participants will also be invited to make any comments and questions.

The session will be held primarily in English, yet the organizer will make an effort to facilitate exchange of ideas and opinions through summary interpretations of the key points to be tabled.

