The 34th JASID Annual Conference

Plenary Session

Plenary Session of the 34th JASID Annual Conference

1. Theme:

Where is Japan's official development assistance heading after the revision of its Charter?
The 34th Annual Conference of the Japan Society for International Development: "Solidarity and Co-creation under Complex Crises"
Organized by JASID and Sophia University (United Nations Weeks),
Supported by Sophia University Human Resources Center For International Cooperation (SHRIC)


2. Concept note

 On 9 June 2023, the Cabinet approved a revision of the Official Development Assistance (ODA) Charter, which states that, against the background of the National Security Strategy formulated in December 2022, Japan will provide assistance, including maritime security, towards realizing 'Free and Open Indo-Pacific (FOIP),' while maintaining a policy of 'non-military cooperation.' Since the new Charter was drafted in September 2022, civil society has expressed a number of concerns, including the unclear distinction between ODA and the Official Security Assistance (OSA) which was established in April, the pros and cons of the shift from request-based to offer-based cooperation, and the retreat from a collaborative stance with local civil society. How does ODA seek to promote solidarity and co-creation in complex crises?
 In this plenary, a keynote speech will be delivered by a member of the expert panel involved in the revision process, followed by a panel discussion with a security expert and academics who have researched ODA and advised on its implementation. These panelists will discuss how the revised Charter will affect practices, future research, and human resource development concerning ODA.

3. Speakers 

  • Yoichi MINE: Director, the JICA Ogata Sadako Research Institute for Peace and Development; Professor, Graduate School of Global Studies, Doshisha University; Member, Advisory Panel on the Revision of the ODA Charter; Member, Japan Society for International Development
  • Mari IZUYAMA: Head of Theoretical Studies, National Institute for Defense Studies; Specialist of South Asian politics, diplomacy, and security
  • Jin SATO: Professor, Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, University of Tokyo; President, Japan Society for International Development
  • Satoru MATSUMOTO: Professor, Faculty of Intercultural Communication, Hosei University; Member, Development Project Accountability Committee, Japan Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Member, Advisory Board for Environmental and Social Considerations, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA); Executive Director, Japan Society for International Development
  • Video letter or comment: Perspectives from aid-recipient countries including those receiving OSA
  • Chair: Taro KOMATSU, Professor, Department of Education, Faculty of Human Sciences, Sophia University; Chairperson, Executive Committee of the JASID 34th Annual Conference
  • Moderator: Masako TANAKA, Professor, Faculty of Global Studies, Sophia University; Secretary-General, Executive Committee of the JASID 34th Annual Conference

4. Language

  • This session will be organised in Japanese.
  • English interpretation is available at Webinar.
  • Webinar: (Passcode: unwksnov11)
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