資源・素材 & EARTH 2017(札幌)


若手ポスター発表(Poster:MMIJ Students and Young Researchers)


2017年9月26日(火) 15:30 〜 17:30 ポスター会場1 セミナー室・ホワイエ (フロンティア棟2F/Fl. 2.,Build.Frontier, Seminar Room2 & Foyer)

15:30 〜 17:30

[PY1-11] Carrier-microencapsulation using Al-catechol complex for suppressing arsenic release from arsenopyrite

○Ilhwan Park1, Kensuke Seno1, Kagehiro Magaribuchi1, Carlito Baltazar Tabelin1, Mayumi Ito1, Naoki Hiroyoshi1 (1. Hokkaido University)

キーワード:Arsenopyrite, Acid mine drainage, Microencapsulation, Aluminum-catechol complex

Arsenopyrite (FeAsS) is the most common arsenic-bearing sulfide mineral, and its oxidation under atmospheric condition causes the release of toxic As into the environment. In this study, carrier-microencapsulation (CME) is proposed as a method to suppress arsenopyrite oxidation. In this technique, metal-organic complexes using Al3+ and catechol (1,2–dihydroxybenzene) were used to form protective coatings on arsenopyrite against oxidation.
Thermodynamic calculations and UV-vis spectroscopy confirmed that Al3+ and catechol (cat) formed three complexes, [Al(cat)+], [Al(cat)2], and [Al(cat)33–] at different pHs. Batch leaching experiments showed that [Al(cat)+] and [Al(cat)2] were effective to suppress As release from arsenopyrite. Scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive X–ray spectroscopy (SEM–EDX) analyses of arsenopyrite treated by Al–based CME showed strong signals of Al and O, which indicate that Al–oxyhydroxide coatings were formed on the mineral surface.




