

      Nara-city is a city of sightseeing and a wide variety of hotels ranging from the budget to the luxury class. Still, the number of rooms is not sufficient compared to the number of visitors. Especially around the period of HYPERFINE 2023, higher demands on accommodation are expected because of the visitors to the special exhibition of the Shoso-in Repository, one of the largest Japanese treasury collections. The secretariat of HYPERFINE 2023 strongly recommends making reservations for your rooms at your earliest convenience.


PLEASE NOTE: Some hotels recently started releasing discounted prices for the duration of the conference period. These are sold to the public and subject to their availability. The secretariat of HYPERFINE 2023 again recommends reserving your rooms at your earliest convenience. No special rates or reservation services for rooms are available from the secretariat of HYPERFINE 2023. (9th July 2023) 


      For your convenience, the bus routes good for the access to the conference site having higher frequency are shown in the following link. You can reach the conference venue without transfer by choosing a hotel near these bus routes.

      Bus route map


  Hotel booking websites

      You may make reservations at a competitive price through travel agencies, worldwide or local hotel booking sites, or directly to the hotel. The following are the links to some major Japanese hotel booking websites available in English. Some of these websites also serve in other languages as well.

(More reservation sites are added on 9th July 2023)


      The following are the links to hotels with many rooms in Nara-city at reasonable prices. This list is just for your information and doesn't mean the recommendation from the secretariat of HYPERFINE2023.

 (More hotel sites are added on 9th July 2023)