The 34th JASID Annual Conference

Presentation information

Oral presentation

Youth and Employment (Japanese)

Sat. Nov 11, 2023 9:30 AM - 11:00 AM 紀-B108 (Kioizaka Bldg B108)

Chair:Kazuhiro YOSHIDA(Hiroshima University) Commentator:Tsuyoshi KANO(Kanazawa Institute of Technology), Kyoko TANIGUCHI(Hiroshima University)

10:00 AM - 10:30 AM

[1D02] Africa’s training for Africa
-Kenya’s contribution towards Climate Change through
Third Country Training Programme Scheme-

*Yuki HONJO1 (1. Kenya’s Technical Cooperation Project)

Keywords:Sub Sahara Africa, Third County Training Programme, Technologies and Knowledge co-creation

Sub-Sahara Africa region is faced with frequent drought that alternate with severe flooding mainly due to Climate Change. These unpredictable weather partners have impacted negatively in live and livelihoods. The focus is Kenya as one of the Sub-Sahara Africa countries which celebrate 60 year’s diplomatic relation with Japan. Kenya through Kenya Forestry Research Institute (KEFRI) in collaboration with Japan through JICA had been implementing Technical Cooperation (TC)for more than 40 years which various technologies for dryland forestry have been developed. Running concurrently with the TC was capacity building to share knowledge and transfer technologies. Capacity building was undertaken through Third Country Training Programme (TCTP) of JICA for 25 years during which time 21 Sub-Saharan African countries were trained. Various achievements, lesson and opportunities were realized and identified through the TCTP, but have not been widely shared. To develop this report, information was gathered through literature review from various TCTP training course proceedings and interviewing from KEFRI Research scientists’ involvement in implementation of the TCTP. The three perspectives were considered as the effectiveness of the training such as: what technologies and information were of interest to the participants, what technologies and information were actually used after the training, and the participants' self-evaluation of the training, and each of the three perspectives was analysed and verified. The results showed for a training programme to be effective. KEFRI due to its mandate as research and information dissemination institute was a good hub for technology development and transfer as well as knowledge sharing which were instrumental in meeting the current and emerging Climate Change issues in Sub-Sahara African countries.

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