



2023年11月11日(土) 09:30 〜 13:00 Poster1 (2号館5階学生食堂)

*ポスターは懇親会中もご覧いただけます (18:30-20:30)。

[1R16] An Analysis of the Factors Influencing Primary School Students Learning Achievements in Burundi

*Deo KABANGA1 (1. Kobe University)

キーワード:Learning Achievement Model, Interaction Variables

It is widely discussed that approximately 360 million children of primary school age in the world have not mastered the basic of language and mathematics, and this learning crisis is particularly serious in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). Burundi as one of SSA countries, 71% and 39% Of children do not achieve the minimum reading and mathematics proficiency level respectively at the end of primary school from grade 6 in 2019. Thus, it is with an urgent need to conduct deep research in all three dimensions ( School, family and students ) and determine the major factors influencing the learning achievements so that we can base on evidence to know which dimension to focus more on. Family/parental involvement, School-based management and students’ willingness to learn form an indissoluble triangle for the learning achievements. The Burundian government has been trying to move all the above-mentioned dimensions together by implementing many different policies; however, the results show that all sides did not move in parallel. Recent literature lacks empirical studies looking into all three dimensions interaction variables involved for a stable learning achievement model. This research sets up the research question related to three considered dimensions as follows: what are the major factors that can sustain the triangularization needed to stabilize primary school students’ learning achievements model in Burundi? This study uses Program for the Analysis of CONFEMEN Education Systems data collected in 2019 through multilevel analysis using adjusted education production function model. The results show the positive influence of interaction variables created from all three major stakeholders, and proved that the interaction of family school and students’ variables influence positively the reading school by 20% and 13% the math score. The influence differs from rural to urban areas and the difference of the influence by regions(rural/urban) is of 5%.

