



2023年11月11日(土) 09:30 〜 13:00 Poster1 (2号館5階学生食堂)

*ポスターは懇親会中もご覧いただけます (18:30-20:30)。

[1R20] バングラデシュにおける普遍的就学前教育政策下での就学前学校の種類の決定要因

*宇野 耕平1 (1. 神戸大学大学院国際協力研究科)


Pre-primary school is a strong determinant of primary school performance and has the highest rate of return and potential to reduce inequality within and among countries. Therefore, many governments in LMICs have prioritized pre-primary education, including Bangladesh. Under such a situation, parents have to make decisions on pre-primary school. This study aims to examine the influential factors that determine pre-primary school choice under the universal pre-primary education policy in Bangladesh, focusing on pre-primary school types and its quality. To examine the determinants of pre-primary school type, this study uses the multinomial logit model for four-year-old children and probit model for five-year-old children. “Bangladesh Early Years Preschool Program Impact Evaluation (EYPP-BGD)”, which was conducted in the Meherour districts in Bangladesh and supported by the American Institutes for Research and the World Bank from 2017 to 2019. The findings show that a father’s education level significantly predicts enrollment in private pre-primary schools. In contrast, the mother’s education level is not related to pre-primary school choice as well as pre-primary school expenditures. The findings show that richer household children are more likely to be enrolled in private pre-primary schools and spend more on school expenditures. Children from higher SES are more likely to attend private pre-primary school as well as a school with expensive school fees.

