○Bich Thi Ngoc Tran1,2, Yi-Ching Chen1, Khoa Dang Huynh2
(1. Da-yeh University , 2. Tra Vinh University)
司会(Chairman):Somsak Saisinchai (Chulalongkorn University), Carlito Tabelin (Hokkaido University)
キーワード:Applied Aquaponics, Recycle and reusable, Safe food, Local materials, Climate change
Aquaponics: a great sustain combined model of fisheries and biosecurity to produce food safer against potential residues. Most studies, implemented aquaponics on a large-scale for community food gardens. It is very few one focus on small/ home-sized system and its potential to local urban households with low-cost food. No specific paper present on the more benefits of using cycled and reusable and local materials to keep the aquaponics lasting and expanding to social life. The purpose of this paper want to analyze the cost and benefits of applied aquaponic systems ultimately using the recycled and reusable materials as well as local materials and mobile apply in the small area to pursue the goals: saving the areas and water resources, investigating costs and providing clean and safe food to urban household/consumers. The model is also a green, clean and friendly to environment. The applied aquaponics is the great sustainable agriculture not only more adapting to climate change, more friendly to environment but also the best systems to applied in high land area, island, and especially in the urban city where the population is increasingly every single day. It is more convenient to set up or transfer to different location with low cost and easier to management. Furthermore, it is excellent sustainable and efficient model when climate changing: saving water resources and reducing waste to pollute environment more efficiently. The model give a chance to people living in the suburban area with less land to produce the fresh and safe food for their own requirements as well as supply safe food to consumers. It is also a little garden to increase the green area to tolerance the polluted air in the city/urban area.