11:15 〜 11:30
[31001-12-10] Green Algae Removal from Waste Water by Quicklime and Oyster Shell Waste Powder
司会(Chairman):JI Whan Ahn(KIGAM), Richard Alorro (Curtin University)
キーワード:green algae, Quick lime, environmental effect, , oyster shell waste powder, treatment,, carbonation process
#Currently, harmful algal blooms are a major environmental concern. Due to rapid industrialization, global warming was rapidly increased. Harmful algal blooms are overgrowths of algae in water. Some algaes produces harmful toxins in fresh and marine waters. The green algae or cyanobacteria, which is phytoplankton, are greatly increasing in eutrophic rivers such as dams and lakes where the water flow rate is slow. Blue green algae cause taste and problems for aquatic fish and drinking water supplies. These algal blooms are highly affects to the human health. We developed a ecofriendly process carbonation for preventing the occurrence of green algae in advance and spread of green algae. The aim of this study was to removal the green algae with the treatment of calcinated quicklime and oyster shell waste powder (Oyster shell waste has the rich amount of CaO). We optimized the experimental parameters and finally we achieved the elimination of green algae by the carbonation process with oyster shell waste powder within 5 mins. The carbonation process is more suitable the algal removal from waste aquatic water.