資源・素材 & EARTH 2017(札幌)


企画講演(Special Session)


2017年9月28日(木) 08:45 〜 12:00 第9会場 C309 (C棟3階/Fl.3.,Build. C)

司会(Chairman):Kyoungkeun Yoo (Korea Maritime and Ocean University), Naoki Hiroyoshi (Hokkaido University)

09:00 〜 09:15

[3901-12-02] Recent Development of Bioleaching of Gold and Copper mine in Mongolia

○Sandagdorj Nyamdorj1, Lee Ching-Hwa1, Bishdorj Enerel1 (1. Da-yeh)

司会(Chairman):Kyoungkeun Yoo (Korea Maritime and Ocean University), Naoki Hiroyoshi (Hokkaido University)

キーワード:bioleaching, gold, copper, mine, Mongolia

This study introduces the current state of bioleaching of gold and copper mines in Mongolia. Mongolia has a great history of producing and exporting gold and copper. For the last 20 years, it has become one of the biggest providers worldwide. However, the approachable of extracting gold and copper ore has diminished quickly. In order to keep the gold and copper production level high, the introduction of new mining technologies has become necessary. The one that has been successful utilized is bioleaching. Development of this technology has advanced rapidly during the 1995’s, leading to the commissioning of the first commercial bioleaching by using bacterial of Thiobacillus ferrooxidans at the Erdenet Copper Mine. Nowadays, all bioleaching operations run in Mongolia contribute to an estimated 10% copper (in Erdenet, Oyu-Tolgoi, Tsagaan subarga copper mines) and 5% gold (in Olon-Ovoot, Boroo, Gatsuurt gold mines) production. This study presents antecedents that have contributed to the development of gold and copper bioleaching in Mongolia.




