The Japanese Biochemical Society

[3P-075] Structural study of self-assembly mechanism of hPRMT1 regulated by the methylation cofactors.

Jundal Kim1,2, Akihiro Kawamoto3, Mika Hirose3, Miwa Kuzuhara4, Akiko Ikegami4, Hiroaki Daitoku5, Koichiro Kako6, Toshiyuki Shimizu7, Takayuki Kato3, Hironari Kamikubo4, Akiyoshi Fukamizu2,5, Sachiko Toma-Fukai2,4 (1.Institute of Natural Medicine, University of Toyama , 2.AMED-CREST, 3.Institute for Protein Research, Osaka University, 4.Graduate School of Science and Technology, Nara Institute of Science and Technology, 5.Life Science Center for Survival Dynamics, Tsukuba Advanced Research Alliance (TARA), University of Tsukuba, 6.Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba, 7.Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, The University of Tokyo )

The 95th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Biochemical Society

[3P-077(3T07a-03)] Structural and functional analysis of the carbonic anhydrases from marine diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum

Hiroto Negoro1,2, Hideaki Tanaka1,2, Ginga Shimakawa3, Akihiro Kawamoto1,2, Yusuke Matsuda3, Genji Kurisu1,2 (1.Osaka university, Institute for protein research, 2.Osaka university, graduate School of Engineering, biological engineering course, 3.Kwansei gakuin university, faculty of life and environmental sciences)

The 95th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Biochemical Society

[3P-079(1T07a-01)] Analysis of histidine methylation by using histone from calf thymus

Takahiro Hayashi1, Hiroaki Daitoku2, Koichiro Kako3, Akiyoshi Fukamizu2 (1.Doctoral Program in Life and Agricultural Sciences, University of Tsukuba, 2.Life Science Center for Survival Dynamics, Tsukuba Advanced Research Alliance, University of Tsukuba, 3.Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba)

The 95th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Biochemical Society

[3P-080] Determination of histidine methylation site of nematode ribosomal protein RPL-3

Toru Uetake1, Koichiro Kako2, Mitsue Arimoto2, Hikari Haruki1, Hiroaki Daitoku3, Akiyoshi Fukamizu3 (1.Master Program in Agro-Bioresources Science and Technology, University of Tsukuba, 2.Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba, 3.Life Science Center for Survival Dynamics, TARA)

The 95th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Biochemical Society