The Japan Society of Applied Physics

210件中(61 - 70)

[A-8] Lithography for Future Submicron Device Fabrication

Yasuo Tarui、Joseph Borel、B. F. Griffing、Koichiro Hoh、Tadao Kato、Toyoki Kitayama、M. P. Lepselter、Junji Matsui、Makoto Nakase、Jerome P. Silverman、Kenji Gamo (1.The Tokyo University of Agriculture、2.Thomson-EFCIS、3.Corporate R&D Center, General Electric、4.Electrotechnical Lab.、5.LSI R&D Center, Mitsubishi Electric Co.、6.Atsugi ECL, NTT、7.AT and T, Bell Lab.、8.Fundamental Res. Lab. Nippon Electric Co.、9.VLSI Res. Center, Toshiba Co.、10.IBM, Yorktown Heights、11.Osaka University)

1984 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials |PDF ダウンロード

210件中(61 - 70)