The Japanese Biochemical Society/The Molecular Biology Society of Japan

6976 results (3551 - 3560)

[2P-1133] STAT1 signaling in astrocytes is essential for control of Toxoplasa gondii in the Central Nervous System

〇Shinya Hidano1, Christoph Konradt2, Daniel P. Beiting2, Lothar Hennighausen3, Anita A. Koshy4, Naganori Kamiyama1, Takashi Kobayashi1, Christopher A. Hunter2 (1.Dept. of Infectious Disease Control, Faculty of Medicine., 2.Dept. of Pathobiol., Sch. of Vet. Med., Univ. of Pennsylvania, 3.Lab. of Genetics and Physiol., NIDDK., NIH, 4.Dept. of Immunobiol., BIO5 Inst., Univ. of Arizona)


[2P-1140] Efficacy of femtosecond laser for application of acupuncture therapy

〇Mika Ohta1,2, Yoichiroh Hosokawa3, Naoya Hatano4, Aki Sugano1,2, Takao Inoue5, Takashi Suzuki2, Akihiko Ito5, Yutaka Takaoka1,2 (1.Div. of Med. Info. & Bioinfo., Kobe Univ. Hosp., 2.Life Sci. Res. Ctr., Kobe Tokiwa Univ., 3.Grad. Sch. of Mater. Sci., NAIST, 4.Inte Ctr. Mas Spectrom., Kobe Univ. Grad. Sch. of Med., 5.Dept.of Pathol., Fac. of Med., Kinki Univ.)


[2P-1141] Overexpression of NF90-NF45 induces fast-to-slow transition of skeletal muscle.

〇Shuji Sakamoto1, Keiko Morisawa1, Sylvia Lai1, Takuma Higuchi1, Hiroshi Todaka2, Eunsup Chi1, Yasunori Sugiyama3, Masayuki Tsuda4 (1.Lab. of Mol. Biol., Sci. Res. Cent., Kochi Med. Sch., Kochi Univ., 2.Dept. Cardiovascular Control, Kochi Med. Sch., Kochi Univ., 3.Dept. Appl. Biol. Sci., Fac. Agr., Kagawa Univ., 4.Div. of lab. Animal Sci., Sci. Res. Cent., Kochi Med. Sch., Kochi Univ.)


6976 results (3551 - 3560)