The Japanese Biochemical Society/The Molecular Biology Society of Japan

6976 results (951 - 960)

[1P-0578] Cytotoxicity of Rare Sugars

〇Yuka Takahashi1, Kenji Yamatoya1, Yoji Yoshimi2, Masahiko Ikekita2, Kazuya Nakata1 (1.Fac. Sci. Tech., Tokyo Univ. Sci., 2.Tokyo Univ. of Sci., Yamaguchi)


[1P-0580] Exposure to Electrophiles Impairs Reactive Persulfide-dependent Redox Signaling in Neuronal Cells

〇Atsushi Kitamura1, Shingo Kasamatsu2, Akira Nishimura2, Tomoaki Ida2, Motohiro Nishida3, Yoshito Kumagai4, Takaaki Akaike2, Hideshi Ihara1 (1.Dept. of Biol. Sci., Grad. Sch. of Sci., Osaka Pref. Univ., 2.Dept. of Env. Health and Mol. Toxicol. Sci., Grad. Sch. of Med., Tohoku Univ., 3.Div. of Cardiocirc. Signal., Natl. inst. for Physiol. Sci. (Okazaki inst. for Integrative Biosci.), Natl. inst. of Natl. Sci., 4.Env. Biol. Sect., Faculty of Med., Univ. of Tsukuba)


6976 results (951 - 960)