



2023年11月11日(土) 09:30 〜 13:00 Poster1 (2号館5階学生食堂)

*ポスターは懇親会中もご覧いただけます (18:30-20:30)。

[1R12] Analysis of Parental Involvement and Secondary School Students' Academic Achievement in Cambodia

*SARA Thavrith1 (1. Kobe University)

キーワード:Home-based Parental Involvement 、Secondary School 、Cambodia、Test Scores

Home-based parental involvement is commonly known to have a strong correlation with the children’s learning progress, either in a positive or negative way. At an early stage of a child's education, it is also widely accepted to practice parental involvement; yet, at the secondary education level, it is still debatable. This study investigates the relationship between home-based parental participation and secondary school students' academic achievements (reading, math, and science) in Cambodia by using the PISA-D 2018 dataset. The link between the two indicators was ascertained using hierarchical linear modeling (HLM). The estimated results show that study discussions, dining together, positive encouragement, and future planning have positive relationships with all three exam results, but at different degrees. However, it has been demonstrated that discussing school concerns has a negative connection with students’ academic achievements. Furthermore, when the sub-sample is divided by gender, the indicator of study discussion and dinning together yields similar results, whereas the other three indicators (e.g., positive encouragement, future planning, and school problem discussion) are more influential in different levels and subjects to female students than male students

