3:00 PM - 3:15 PM
[2801-14-08] Concentration of Minor Rare Metals from WEEEs by Two-stage Comminution using Various Impact-type Crushers
Chairman:Apisit Numprasanthai (Chulalongkorn University), Shuji Owada (Waseda University)
Keywords:WEEEs, Minor rare metal, Two-stage comminution, PCBs removal, Devices detachment
In this study, we gave theoretical consideration to the comminution processes for clarifying the mechanism of the above comminution behavior. The theoretical approach was done from the viewpoints mainly of (1) Maximum stress given to the WEEEs and PCBs by crushing medium in the crushers, (2) Space conditions such as volume, geometric shape of the crushers, and multivariable analysis was taken in order to estimate the effect of the above variables. Then, based on the above, impact-type crushers were classified into several groups; removable-type, destructive-type, and so on.