The Molecular Biology Society of Japan

[3P-0057] Involvement of the RNA methyltransferase in the transcriptional regulation of epithelial-mesenchymal transition of cancer cells

○Takeshi Suzuki1,2, Sasithorn Wanna-udom1, Minoru Terashima1,2, Hanbing Lyu1, Akihiko Ishimura1,2, Matomo Sakari3, Toshifumi Tsukahara3 (1.Div. Func. Genom., Cancer Res. Inst., Kanazawa Univ., 2.Mol. Therap. Target Res. Unit, InFIniti, Kanazawa Univ., 3.Area. Biosci. Biotech., Div. Transdis. Sci., JAIST)

The 43rd Annual Meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan

[3P-0058] MED1 restricts type 2 innate immunity in visceral adipose tissue through its LxxLL nuclear receptor binding motifs

○Kyo Saiki1, Rino Kishida1, Tomoya Fukuoka1, Mizuha Anamoto1, Ayaka Fujiwara1, Manami Tsuji1, Hikaru Tsutsumi1, Naoya Kanada1, Yuuka Ohashi1, Robert G. Roeder2, Natsumi Hasegawa1, Mitsuhiro Ito1,2 (1.Dept. of Medical Biophysics., Grad. Sch. of Health Sci., Kobe Univ., Kobe, Japan, 2.Biochem. & Mol. Biol., the Rockefeller Univ., New York, U.S.A.)

The 43rd Annual Meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan