The Molecular Biology Society of Japan

[1P-0418] Iron isotopic composition of iron supplements

○Yuko Yamagata1,5, Takayuki Ichinose2, Takafumi Hirata3, Tetsuya Ishikawa4, Akihiro Matsunaga4,5, Mari Shimura4,5 (1.Biostruct. Mechanism Labo., RIKEN SPring-8 Ctr., 2.Inorg. Anal. Labo., Toray Res. Ctr. Inc., 3.Geochem. Res. Ctr., The Univ. of Tokyo, 4.RIKEN SPring-8 Ctr., 5.Dept. Intractable Diseases, Res. Inst., Nat. Ctr. Global Health & Med.)

The 43rd Annual Meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan

[1P-0421] Virucidal activities of sucrose octasulfate in the presence of proteins

Keiko Ikeda1, Tamiko Nagao2, Sayuri Nagashima3, Mitsunori Nishide4, Tomomi Kuwahara3, Takahiko Mitani5, Tsutomu Arakawa6, ○A. Hajime Koyama1,3 (1.Sch. Health & Nursing Sci, Wakayama Medical Univ., 2.Dept. Sci. for Human Health, Shikoku Univ. Jr Coll., 3.Dept. Mol. Microbiol., Fac. Med., Kagawa Univ., 4.Dept. Nutrition, Wakayama Shin-Ai Women's Jr. Coll., 5.Res. Center for Food & Agricult. Wakayama Univ., 6.Alliance Protein Lab.)

The 43rd Annual Meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan