The Molecular Biology Society of Japan

[3P-0130] Nuclear F-actin formation and the etiology of Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome

○Yuto Takahashi1, Shogo Hiratsuka1, Nanako Machida1, Pavel Hozak2, Tom Misteli3, Kei Miyamoto4, Masahiko Harata1 (1.Grad. Sch. of Agri. Sci., Tohoku Univ., 2.Insts. of Mol. Genet. of the Czech Acad. of Sci., Czech Republic, 3.NIH., USA, 4.Grad. Sch. of Biol.-Oriented Sci. and Tech., Kindai Univ.)

The 43rd Annual Meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan

[3P-0132] Evolutionary conservativeness of the histone variant H2A.Z in its deposition and functions

○Saho Kitagawa1, Masayuki Kusakabe2, Hiroyuki Oku1, Daisuke Takahashi 1, Takumi Narimiya1, Yu Nakabayashi3, Masayuki Seki3, Masahiko Harata1 (1.Graduate School of Agricultural Science, Tohoku University, 2.Biosignal Research Center, Kobe University, 3.Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Tohoku Medical and Pharmaceutical University)

The 43rd Annual Meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan