The 103rd CSJ Annual Meeting


21. Energy and Related Chemistry, Geo and Space Chemistry » Poster

Academic Program [Poster]

[P2-2pm] 21. Energy and Related Chemistry, Geo and Space Chemistry

Thu. Mar 23, 2023 1:20 PM - 2:50 PM Poster Site (Morito Memorial Gymnasium)

Chen Chen1, Ruiqin Yi1, Motoko Igisu3, Chie Sakaguchi4, Rehana Afrin1, Christian Potiszil4, Tak Kunihiro4, Katsura Kobayashi4, Eizo Nakamura4, Yuichiro Ueno1,5,3, Andre Antunes8, Anna Wang7, Kuhan Chandru6, Tony Z. Jia1,2 (1. Earth-Life Science Institute, Tokyo Institute of Technology, 2. Blue Marble Space Institute of Science, 3. JAMSTEC, 4. Institute for Planetary Materials, Okayama Univ., 5. Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Tokyo Institute of Technology, 6. National University of Malaysia, 7. UNSW Sydney, 8. Macau University of Science and Technology (MUST) )

[Lang.] English


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The abstracts will be available on March 9, 2022.


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*** Web links for the hybrid program (Asian International Symposium, The Chemical Record Lecture, and CSJ Public Lecture only) will be displayed during the Annual Meeting.
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