The Molecular Biology Society of Japan

4802 results (11 - 20)

[1AS-02-Introduction] Introduction

Tomohiro Nobeyama (Fac. of. Pure and Appl. Sci.)

The 46th Annual Meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan |Wed. Dec 6, 2023 9:30 AM - 9:33 AM

[1AS-02-07_1P-417] Mechanism of Golgi degradation by autophagy

Shinri Kitta1, Tatsuya Kaminishi2, Momoko Higashi3, Takayuki Shima2, Hidetaka Kosako4, Tamotsu Yoshimori2,3, Akiko Kuma2 (1.Sch. of Med., Fac. of Med., Osaka Univ., 2.Dept. of Genetics, Grad. Sch. of Med., Osaka Univ., 3.Lab. of Intra. Memb. Dyna., Grad. Sch. of Front. Bio., Osaka Univ., 4.Div. of Cel. Sig., Inst. of Adv. Med. Sci., Tokushima Univ.)

The 46th Annual Meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan |Wed. Dec 6, 2023 10:45 AM - 10:57 AM

4802 results (11 - 20)