The Molecular Biology Society of Japan

4802 results (3131 - 3140)

[2P-358] Dynamics of chromosomes and mitochondrial genome in interspecies hybrids

KenIchi Wada3,4,1,2, Kazuo Hosokawa3, Mizuo Maeda3, Yoshihiro Ito4, Yui Harada1, Yoshikazu Yonemitsu1, Yoko Yamanishi2 (1.Grad. Sch. od Pharm. Sci., Kyushu Univ., 2.Dept. of Mech. Eng., Fac. of Eng., Kyushu Univ., 3.RIKEN, Bioeng, Lab., 4.RIKEN, Nano Med. Eng. Lab.)

The 46th Annual Meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan

4802 results (3131 - 3140)