The Japan Society of Applied Physics

540件中(121 - 130)

[E-4-4L] 3.3 kV/1500 A Power Modules for the World’s First All-SiC Traction Inverter

K. Hamada1、S. Hino1,2、N. Miura1、H. Watanabe1,2、S. Nakata1,2、E. Suekawa3、Y. Ebiike3、M. Imaizumi3、I. Umezaki3、S. Yamakawa1,2 (1.Advanced Technology R&D Center, Mitsubishi Electric Corp.、2.R&D Partnership for Future Power Electronics Technology (FUPET)、3.Power Device Works, Mitsubishi Electric Corp. (Japan))

2014 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials |PDF ダウンロード

540件中(121 - 130)