The 64th JSAP Spring Meeting, 2017


10 Spintronics and Magnetics » 10 Spintronics and Magnetics(Poster)

Poster presentation

[14p-P10-1~98] 10 Spintronics and Magnetics(Poster)

Tue. Mar 14, 2017 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM P10 (BP)

△:Presentation by Applicant for JSAP Young Scientists Presentation Award
▲:English Presentation
▼:Both of Above
No Mark:None of Above

4:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Yuzuru Narita1, Yutaka Takahashi1, Masahide Harada2, Kenichi Oikawa2, Motoki Ooi2, Daisuke Kobayashi3, Kazuyuki Hirose3, Hideo Sato4,5,6, Shoji Ikeda4,5,6, Tetsuo Endoh4,5,6,7, Hideo Ohno4,5,6,8,9 (1.Yamagata Univ., 2.J-PARC, JAEA, 3.ISAS/JAXA, 4.CIES, Tohoku Univ., 5.CSIS, Tohoku Univ, 6.CSRN, Tohoku Univ., 7.Grad. Sch. Eng., Tohoku Univ., 8.LNS, RIEC, Tohoku Univ., 9.WPI-AIMR, Tohoku Univ.)



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