The Molecular Biology Society of Japan

[3P-0047] SLX4 interacts with RTEL1 and prevents transcription-mediated inhibition of replication .

Arato Takedachi1, 2, 3, Emmanuelle Despras4, Sarah Scaglione2, Raphael Guerois5, JeanHugues Guervilly2, Marion Blin2, Stephane Audebert2, Luc Camoin2, Zdenka Hasanova2, Mike Schertzer6, 7, Arnaud Guille2, Dmitri Churikov2, Shoji Mizusaki1, Isabelle Callebaut8, Valeria Naim9, Max Chaffanet2, JeanPaul Borg2, Francois Bertucci2, Isao Kuraoka1, Patrick Revy10, Daniel Birnbaum2, Arturo LondonnoVallejo6, 7, Particia Kannouche4, PierreHenri Gaillard2 (1.Dept of Chem., Grad. Sch. of Sci., Univ. of Fukuoka, 2.Centre de Recherche en Cancerologie de Marseille, CRCM, 3.Inovarion, 4.UMR 8200, Universite Paris Sud, Gustave Roussy, 5.Institute for Integrative Biology of the Cell, 6.Institut Curie, PSL Research University, CNRS, UMR3244, 7.Sorbonne Universites, UPMC Univ Paris 06, CNRS, UMR3244, 8.Sorbonne Universite, Museum National dHistoire Naturelle, UMR CNRS 7590, 9.INSERM Unite UMR1163, Imagine Institute)

The 44th Annual Meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan

[3P-0050] How does IEE excision the IS?

Ren Kishino, Shuntaro Muto, Yasuhiko Sekine (Dept. Life Sci., Coll. Sci., Rikkyo Univ)

The 44th Annual Meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan

[3P-0053] KDM5A promotes MYC-driven transcription through regulating RNA polymerase II phosphorylation in multiple myeloma

Hiroto Ohguchi1, Paul Park2, Tingjian Wang2, Berkley Gryder3, Daisuke Ogiya4, Keiji Kurata4, Xiaofeng Zhang2, Deyao Li2, Chengkui Pei2, Takeshi Masuda5, Catrine Johansson2, Virangika Wimalasena2, Yong Kim6, Shinjiro Hino7, Shingo Usuki8, Yawara Kawano9, Mehmet Samur4, YuTzu Tai4, Nikhil Munshi4, Masao Matsuoka9, Sumio Ohtsuki5, Mitsuyoshi Nakao7, Takashi Minami10, Shannon Lauberth11, Javed Khan6, Udo Oppermann12, Adam Durbin13, Kenneth Anderson4, Teru Hideshima4, Jun Qi2 (1.Div. of Dis.Epi., IRDA, Kumamoto Univ., 2.Dept. of Cancer Biol., DFCI, 3.Dept. of Genet. Genome Sci., CaseWesternReserve Univ. Sch. of Med., 4.Dept. of Med. Oncol., DFCI, 5.Dept. of Pharma. Microbiol., Facul. of Life Sci., Kumamoto Univ., 6.Genet.Branch, NCI, NIH, 7.Dept. of Med. Cell Biol., IMEG, Kumamoto Univ., 8.Liaison Lab., IMEG, Kumamoto Univ., 9.Dept. of Hematol., Kumamoto Univ. Sch. of Med., 10.Div. of Mol.Vascul.Biol., IRDA, Kumamoto Univ., 11.Div. of Biol.Sci., Univ. of Califonia, 12.Dept. of Orthopaedi., Univ. of Oxford, 13.Div. of Mol. Cancer, St.Jude Chid. Res. Hosp.)

The 44th Annual Meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan

[3P-0056] The role of nuclear pore complex regulates Super Enhancer in close proximity to nuclear membrane

Yuki Iwashima1, Masaharu Hazawa1, 2, 3, 4, Qiu Yujia4, Dini Ikliptikawati1, Goro Nishide4, Akiko Kobayashi3, Lim Siang4, Richard Wong1, 2, 3, 4 (1.Natural System, Institute of Sci. and Eng., Univ. of Kanazawa, 2.Faculty of Biol. Sci. and Tech., Institute of Sci. and Eng., Univ. of Kanazawa, 3.Inst. for Front. Sci. Initiative, Univ. of Kanazawa, 4.Nano Life Sci. Inst., Univ. of Kanazawa)

The 44th Annual Meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan