The Molecular Biology Society of Japan

[HS-21-oral] ABrCaDaBra

Matthew Kaung, Seeun Kwon, Akika AltmanChandler, Kay Nagasato, Naomi LeDell, Sage Farrer, Dylan Thomson, Take Kawashima, Sophia Smith, Eva Loftus, Aditi Panigrahi, Noe Topping, Ethan Sekiguchi, Yamato Okura, Joey Matsunaga, Sprihaa Singh, Percival Liu, Koharu Matsuki, AnnMarie Hashimoto, Kai Hyodo (American School in Japan)

The 44th Annual Meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan |Fri. Dec 3, 2021 1:55 PM - 2:00 PM

[HS-02] サボテンの刺座の配列は規則的なのか

智彦 前田, 敬人 本脇, 悠介 山本, 栞菜 岸上, 優果 武内, 龍之介 吉田 (兵庫県立姫路東高等学校 科学部生物系研究部(サボテン班))

The 44th Annual Meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan