The Molecular Biology Society of Japan

[2PW-02-10] Establishment of novel protein interaction assays between Sin3b and REST using surface plasmon resonance and time-resolved 4 fluorescence energy transfer.

Masamitsu Harada1, Riho Kurata2, Yasuhiro Yoshida3, Tomo Yonezawa4 (1.Indep. Scholar, 2.Edu. and Res. Center for Pharm. Sci., Osaka Univ. of Med. Pharm. Sci., 3.Depart. of Immunol. and Parasitol., Univ. of Occup. and Environ. Health, 4.Gene Res. Center, Grad. Sch. of Biomed. Sci., Nagasaki Univ.)

The 44th Annual Meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan |Thu. Dec 2, 2021 5:42 PM - 5:55 PM

[2PW-03-4] Comparison of the fertility of tumor suppressor gene-deficient C57BL/6 mouse strains reveals stable reproductive aging and novel pleiotropic gene

Masaoki Kohzaki1, Akira Ootsuyama2, Toshiyuki Umata3, Ryuji Okazaki1 (1.Dep. of Radiobiol. Hyg. Manage., Inst. of Ind. Ecol. Sci., Univ. of Occup. Environ. Health, Japan, 2.Dep. of Radiat. Biol. Health, Sch. of Med., Univ. of Occup. Environ. Health, Japan, 3.Radioisotope Res. Ctr., Facil. for Edu. Res. Spt., Univ. of Occup. Environ. Health, Japan)

The 44th Annual Meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan |Thu. Dec 2, 2021 5:16 PM - 5:29 PM