The 83rd JSAP Autumn Meeting 2022


15 Crystal Engineering » 15.4 III-V-group nitride crystals

Oral presentation

[20a-C200-1~11] 15.4 III-V-group nitride crystals

Tue. Sep 20, 2022 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM C200 (C200)

Tomoyuki Tanikawa(Osaka Univ.), Takao Oto(Yamagata Univ.)

△:Presentation by Applicant for JSAP Young Scientists Presentation Award
▲:English Presentation
▼:Both of Above
No Mark:None of Above

11:00 AM - 11:15 AM

Kazuyuki Tadatomo1,2, Ryo Inomoto1, Narihito Okada2, Shinichi Seiryu3, Momoko Deura4, Takashi Fujii4, Tsutomu Araki4, Kotaro Ishiji5, Yuji Shiraishi6, 〇Tsuguo Fukuda6 (1.Creators of New Value, 2.Grad. School of Sci. and Tech. for Innov., Yamaguchi Univ., 3.OTASJAPAN, 4.Ritsumeikan Univ., 5.SAGA-LS, 6.Fukuda Crystal Lab.)

Oral presentation

[20p-B201-1~16] 15.4 III-V-group nitride crystals

Tue. Sep 20, 2022 1:30 PM - 6:00 PM B201 (B201)

Tsutomu Araki(Ritsumeikan Univ.), Atsushi Kobayashi(Univ. of Tokyo), Yusuke Hayashi(Osaka Univ.)

△:Presentation by Applicant for JSAP Young Scientists Presentation Award
▲:English Presentation
▼:Both of Above
No Mark:None of Above

4:30 PM - 4:45 PM

Yusuke Hayashi1, Tetsuya Tohei1, Zexuan Zhang2, Huili (Grace) Xing2,3,4, Debdeep Jena2,3,4, Yongjin Cho2, Hideto Miyake5, Akira Sakai1 (1.Grad. Sch. Eng. Sci., Osaka Univ., 2.Sch. Elec. Comp. Eng., Cornell Univ., 3.Dept. Mater Sci. Eng., Cornell Univ., 4.Kavli Inst. Cornell Nano. Sci., 5.Grad. Sch. Eng., Mie Univ.)

Oral presentation

[20p-B202-1~11] 15.4 III-V-group nitride crystals

Tue. Sep 20, 2022 1:30 PM - 4:30 PM B202 (B202)

Kazunobu Kojima(Osaka Univ.), Hideaki Murotani(Tokuyama College)

△:Presentation by Applicant for JSAP Young Scientists Presentation Award
▲:English Presentation
▼:Both of Above
No Mark:None of Above

Oral presentation

[21a-C200-1~11] 15.4 III-V-group nitride crystals

Wed. Sep 21, 2022 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM C200 (C200)

Narihito Okada(Yamaguchi Univ.), Hisashi Murakami(TUAT)

△:Presentation by Applicant for JSAP Young Scientists Presentation Award
▲:English Presentation
▼:Both of Above
No Mark:None of Above

9:30 AM - 9:45 AM

Itsuki Kawanami1, Shigeyoshi Usami1, Masayuki Imanishi1, Mihoko Maruyama1, Masashi Yoshimura2, Tomoaki Sumi3, Junichi Takino3, Yoshio Okayama3, Masahiko Hata4, Masashi Isemura5, Yusuke Mori1 (1.Osaka Univ, 2.ILE Osaka Univ, 3.Panasonic Hordings Corp, 4.Itochu Plastics Inc, 5.Sosho-Ohshin Inc)

Oral presentation

[21p-B201-1~16] 15.4 III-V-group nitride crystals

Wed. Sep 21, 2022 1:30 PM - 6:00 PM B201 (B201)

Ryuji Katayama(Osaka Univ.), Mitsuru Funato(Kyoto Univ.), Kanako Shojiki(Mie Univ.)

△:Presentation by Applicant for JSAP Young Scientists Presentation Award
▲:English Presentation
▼:Both of Above
No Mark:None of Above

1:30 PM - 1:45 PM

Hiroto Honda1, Kanako Shojiki1,2, Kenjiro Uesugi3,4, Miyake Hideto2, Kazunori Serita5, Hironaru Murakami5, Masayoshi Tonouchi5, Masahiro Uemukai1, Tomoyuki Tanikawa1, Ryuji Katayama1 (1.Grad. Sch. of Eng. Osaka Univ., 2.Grad. Sch. of Eng. Mie Univ., 3.MRPCO Mie Univ., 4.Grad. Sch. of RIS. Mie Univ., 5.ILE Osaka Univ.)

1:45 PM - 2:00 PM

Hiroto Honda1, Kanako Shojiki1,2, Kenjiro Uesugi3,4, Hideto Miyake2, Kazunori Serita5, Hironaru Murakami5, Masayoshi Tonouchi5, Masahiro Uemukai1, Tomoyuki Tanikawa1, Ryuji Katayama1 (1.Grad. Sch. of Eng. Osaka Univ., 2.Grad. Sch. of Eng. Mie Univ., 3.MRPCO Mie Univ., 4.Grad. Sch. of RIS. Mie Univ., 5.ILE Osaka Univ.)

Oral presentation

[22a-C200-1~10] 15.4 III-V-group nitride crystals

Thu. Sep 22, 2022 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM C200 (C200)

Shugo Nitta(Nagoya Univ.), Shuhei Ichikawa(Osaka Univ.)

△:Presentation by Applicant for JSAP Young Scientists Presentation Award
▲:English Presentation
▼:Both of Above
No Mark:None of Above

Oral presentation

[22p-C200-1~15] 15.4 III-V-group nitride crystals

Thu. Sep 22, 2022 1:30 PM - 6:00 PM C200 (C200)

Motoaki Iwaya(Meijo Univ.), Yoshio Honda(Nagoya Univ.), Maki Kushimoto(Nagoya Univ.)

△:Presentation by Applicant for JSAP Young Scientists Presentation Award
▲:English Presentation
▼:Both of Above
No Mark:None of Above

Poster presentation

[22p-P17-1~11] 15.4 III-V-group nitride crystals

Thu. Sep 22, 2022 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM P17 (Arena)

△:Presentation by Applicant for JSAP Young Scientists Presentation Award
▲:English Presentation
▼:Both of Above
No Mark:None of Above

Oral presentation

[23a-C200-1~11] 15.4 III-V-group nitride crystals

Fri. Sep 23, 2022 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM C200 (C200)

Hiroto Sekiguchi(Toyohashi Univ. of Tech.), Kenjiro Uesugi(Mie Univ.)

△:Presentation by Applicant for JSAP Young Scientists Presentation Award
▲:English Presentation
▼:Both of Above
No Mark:None of Above

Oral presentation

[23p-C200-1~11] 15.4 III-V-group nitride crystals

Fri. Sep 23, 2022 1:30 PM - 4:30 PM C200 (C200)

Ryota Ishii(Kyoto Univ.), Jun Tatebayashi(Osaka Univ.)

△:Presentation by Applicant for JSAP Young Scientists Presentation Award
▲:English Presentation
▼:Both of Above
No Mark:None of Above



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