The 65h JSAP Spring Meeting, 2018


13 Semiconductors » 13.7 Compound and power electron devices and process technology

Oral presentation

[18a-C302-1~12] 13.7 Compound and power electron devices and process technology

Sun. Mar 18, 2018 9:00 AM - 12:15 PM C302 (52-302)

Kenji Shiojima(Univ. of Fukui)


10:00 AM - 10:15 AM

Shigeyoshi Usami1, Yoshihiro Sugawara2, Yongzhao Yao2, Yukari Ishikawa2,4, Norihito Mayama3, Kazuya Toda3, Yuto Ando1, Atsushi Tanaka4,5, Kentaro Nagamatsu4, Maki Kushimoto1, Manato Deki4, Shugo Nitta4, Yoshio Honda4, Hiroshi Amano4,6,7 (1.Nagoya univ., 2.JFCC, 3.Toshiba Nanoanalysis corp., 4.IMaSS, 5.NIMS, 6.ARC, 7.VBL)

Oral presentation

[18p-C302-1~19] 13.7 Compound and power electron devices and process technology

Sun. Mar 18, 2018 1:45 PM - 7:00 PM C302 (52-302)

Naoteru Shigekawa(Osaka City Univ.), Taketomo Sato(Hokkaido Univ.)


Oral presentation

[19a-C302-1~12] 13.7 Compound and power electron devices and process technology

Mon. Mar 19, 2018 9:00 AM - 12:15 PM C302 (52-302)

Makoto Miyoshi(Nagoya Inst. of Tech.)


Oral presentation

[19p-C302-1~18] 13.7 Compound and power electron devices and process technology

Mon. Mar 19, 2018 1:45 PM - 6:30 PM C302 (52-302)

Kozo Makiyama(Fujitsu Lab.), Masashi Kato(NITech)


Poster presentation

[17p-P12-1~27] 13.7 Compound and power electron devices and process technology

Sat. Mar 17, 2018 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM P12 (P)




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